About Us

Bloodline: Connecting Hearts, Saving Lives

More About Us

Bloodline is more than just an NGO; it’s a movement aimed at fostering awareness about the critical need for blood donation in our community. In a world filled with linguistic, rational, religious, and political differences, Bloodline stands as a beacon of unity, transcending these boundaries. Our unwavering commitment lies in leveraging technology to advance our healthcare objectives.

At Bloodline, we firmly believe that every drop counts. Our mission is simple yet profound – to inspire individuals from all walks of life to become blood donors, contributing to the well-being of our society. Through education, awareness campaigns, and cutting-edge technology, we aim to build a community that understands the importance of timely blood donation.

We operate in a realm beyond differences, embracing diversity as our strength. Our approach is not just about collecting blood; it’s about creating a culture where compassion and empathy reign supreme. Bloodline strives to be at the forefront of health care activities, ensuring that our impact is felt in every corner, transcending linguistic, rational, religious, and political barriers.

Unified Impact 91%
Compassionate Culture 94%
Tech-Driven Approach 100%

Meet the Hearts Behind Bloodline

Behind every successful endeavor are passionate individuals driven by a common goal. Meet the dedicated team at Bloodline, a group of diverse professionals committed to making a difference.


DR Rajiv Jadhav



Dr Shipa Jain



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Clarissa Wolman

"Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. ”

Lora Spielberg

"Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus vitae Vestibulum dapibus.”

Christopher Brown

"Pulvinar dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor duis risus feli.”


Boodline is an innovative approach to address global health. We provide immediate access to blood donors all over Mumbai, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Save Life Connect is one of several community organizations working together as a network that respond to disasters or emergency situations in an efficient manner.


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